tree diseases and the symptoms to watch for

tree diseases and the symptoms to watch for

Get To The Root Of The Problem: 4 Signs Your Tree Might Be Dangerous

Wesley Perry

Trees are a beautiful part of nature. They're an integral part of the ecosystem and can provide you with shade on a hot, sunny day. Unfortunately, trees can go from beautiful to dangerous once they reach a certain age. While many people are aware that old trees can be dangerous, many people don't know how to spot the signs of an aging tree. At first glance, it might seem that all trees are the same, but with a closer look, you can spot signs that are specific to old, decaying, potentially dangerous trees. Learning these signs and taking early action can be the difference between a close call and a disaster.

The Big Picture

The first step of inspecting a tree is taking a look at the tree as a whole. Stand in a position where you can see the tree in its entirety and check to see if the tree is leaning in a specific direction. One of the main reasons trees lean is due to unstable roots and trunks, which happens with maturity. A leaning tree could be a sign that it is diseased or dying, which means it could fall suddenly.

The Roots

After looking at the tree as a whole, it's time to take a closer look. Next, you'll want to closely inspect the roots of the tree. The roots that provide the tree with water and nutrients aren't visible, but the roots that support the structure of the tree are. To determine if the structural roots are intact, take a look at the soil at the base of the tree. If it's cracked and rising up, it could indicate that the roots aren't supporting the tree like they should. Also look for any fungal growths (like mushrooms); fungus only grows on decaying or diseased trees and could indicate a problem with the tree that could become dangerous.

The Trunk

After checking out the roots, move up to inspecting the trunk of the tree. First you'll want to look out for any large holes and craters, which could cause the tree to split in half. If there are sections of bark missing, it could be a sign of a fungus or decay. One major sign that a tree is old or sick is if there are shavings on the trunk that resemble sawdust. These shavings come from insects attacking the decayed wood of the trunk.

The Branches

Last but not least, you'll want to inspect the branches. Branches that have fallen off the tree, have virtually no leaves, and feel very brittle are typically a sign of an old, dying tree. The tree might have some healthy branches and leaves left, but if there are large sections of branches and leaves missing, the tree is no longer healthy.

If a tree in your yard any of these warning signs, call your local tree service to take a closer look at it, and they will determine if the tree can be saved or needs to be removed. For more information about taking care of and maintaining trees, contact a company like Pete & Ron's Tree Service.


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tree diseases and the symptoms to watch for

Do you love the trees on your property? Are some of the trees looking as if they are not as healthy as they once were? Do the smaller trees get enough sun to grow tall? Sometimes, trees can develop diseases or become infested with insects that can cause them to die. If you catch these diseases and infestations early, you can oftentimes save the tree, or the surrounding trees. To learn what to look for on your trees, visit my website. There, you will find a long list of diseases and the symptoms to watch for to protect your trees from destruction.