tree diseases and the symptoms to watch for

tree diseases and the symptoms to watch for

3 Tips For Pruning Fruit Trees

Wesley Perry

Proper trimming of your trees is important for a few reasons. It not only keeps your trees looking great, but it will also keep them growing and thriving for many years to come. Of course, you may be fearful of making a mistake in when and how to prune your fruit trees, especially if you enjoy the fruit they produce and offer for your family and don't want to compromise the yield. With this guide, you will learn a few essential tips for pruning your fruit trees.

Focus on Clean Up

To get started, you should focus on performing a basic clean up of your tree. This will involve removing any limbs, branches, flowers, and fruit that appear to be in poor condition.

Use sharp shears to cut off any decaying, discolored, or damaged branches. Cut off flowers and fruit that appear rotted or diseased, as well.

Check the trunk for suckers, which are just small limbs and branches trying to sprout from the tree. These should also be removed, since as they grow, they will only cause the tree to look abnormally-shaped and overgrown.

Any branches that are growing haphazardly should also be removed. If they affect the overall appearance of the tree, remove them.

Focus on Clearing Out

Moisture is a common problem with fruit trees. As the moisture builds up inside the tree, a fungus may develop and start spreading throughout the entire tree. This moisture and fungal growth are also appealing to pests, which can infest your tree, eventually resulting in a serious problem that may kill your tree.

One of the easiest ways to reduce the moisture throughout your tree is by clearing it out with proper trimming.

Use your shears to remove a few branches from the tree's center. Also, remove branches and limbs that are growing on top of one another or rubbing heavily on the actual tree trunk.

By clearing out the clutter inside the tree's middle, you will improve air circulation through the tree. This improved air circulation reduces moisture content, decreasing the risk of fungal growth, disease, and pest infestations.

Focus on Trimming the Top

You do not necessarily have to remove the entire top of your tree, but you should consider giving the top a trim. Think of the trimming process as giving your tree a slight haircut.

Trim off a small amount of the outermost edges of the branches and limbs. This will help stimulate new growth in the spring season, making your tree more appealing and stronger throughout the growing and blooming seasons.

For more tips or help, contact a local tree trimming service. 


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tree diseases and the symptoms to watch for

Do you love the trees on your property? Are some of the trees looking as if they are not as healthy as they once were? Do the smaller trees get enough sun to grow tall? Sometimes, trees can develop diseases or become infested with insects that can cause them to die. If you catch these diseases and infestations early, you can oftentimes save the tree, or the surrounding trees. To learn what to look for on your trees, visit my website. There, you will find a long list of diseases and the symptoms to watch for to protect your trees from destruction.